Geneva Lab Trip to Cape May!
Our lab took a birding trip to Cape May! We had such a fun time and spotted tons of birds, including many that I hadn’t seen before (e.g. bald eagles)! I shot my first roll of 35mm film on this trip as well (pictures below).
Geneva Lab at Cape May!
Pictures from our trip taken on 35mm film.
Species List
All the cool animals we observed!
- Bald Eagle: Haliaeetus leucocephalus
- Snowy Egret: Egretta thula
- American Wigeon: Mareca americana
- White-throated Sparrow: Zonotrichia albicollis
- House Sparrow: Passer domesticus
- Tree Swallow: Tachycineta bicolor
- Northern Mockingbird: Mimus polyglottos
- Hermit Thrush: Catharus guttatus
- Golden-crowned Kinglet: Regulus satrapa
- Black Vulture: Coragyps atratus
- Canada Goose: Branta canadensis
- Mute Swan: Cygnus olor
- Yellow-rumped Warbler: Setophaga coronata
- Monarch Butterfly: Danaus plexippus